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- This page is for the coordination and status tracking of www-ml (Translation of GNU web pages ) project. ...iscussion], 12:22am, 2008 Jan 14 || [ വിദ്യാലയങ്ങളില് സ്വതന്ത10 KB (1,305 words) - 15:47, 15 February 2017
- 826 bytes (0 words) - 19:53, 23 January 2007
Page text matches
- * [ Wrong dependency of kde-l10n-ml on language-pack-kde-wa] * [ Add ml-swanalekha.mim keymap from upstream cvs] - <font color="yellow">ACTIVE</fon5 KB (563 words) - 07:25, 30 November 2008
- # www-ml2 KB (73 words) - 21:00, 5 August 2008
- ഇമെയിലിന്റെ വിഷയം [INTL:ml] Updated Malayalam debconf template translation of xorg എന്ന് ത3 KB (131 words) - 08:01, 7 January 2008
- # apt-get install dhvani-tts scim-ml-phonetic5 KB (102 words) - 23:53, 16 May 2008
- setxkbmap -layout us,ml ...് us(ഇംഗ്ലീഷ്), inscript(മലയാളം) എന്നീ രീതികള് ഉപയോഗിക്കാം. usല് നിന്ന് mlലേക്കും തിരിച്ചും മാറാന് ര�13 KB (81 words) - 17:28, 20 August 2009
- # [ RPM package for Fedora based systems] # [ Deb package for Debian based systems]13 KB (363 words) - 15:52, 15 February 2017
- # translation of ml.po to malayalam "Project-Id-Version: ml\n"3 KB (167 words) - 18:31, 7 December 2006
- Santhosh contributes to Dhvani TTS, GNOME Malayalam, Debian Malayalam, Aspell-ml, Swathanthra Malayalam Computing and Silpa project.4 KB (542 words) - 18:41, 5 July 2010
- This page is for the coordination and status tracking of www-ml (Translation of GNU web pages ) project. ...iscussion], 12:22am, 2008 Jan 14 || [ വിദ്യാലയങ്ങളില് സ്വതന്ത10 KB (1,305 words) - 15:47, 15 February 2017
- ...thosh Thottingal]]-- Dhvani TTS, GNOME Malayalam, Debian Malayalam, Aspell-ml, Swathanthra Malayalam Computing5 KB (731 words) - 23:14, 12 May 2017
- "Project-Id-Version: ml\n"68 KB (3,213 words) - 18:30, 7 December 2006
- And the resourcebundle messages_ml(ml is the ISO language code for Malayalam) contains the following text:21 KB (3,005 words) - 14:59, 8 July 2010
- ...ാന്സ് \"fr\" എന്നും ജര്മനി \"de\" എന്നും ഉപയോഗിക്കുന്നു. മലയാളത്തിന് ഇത് \"ml\" ആണ്."90 KB (4,440 words) - 17:40, 9 December 2006