Revision as of 17:51, 16 February 2006 by (talk)

Here we List out different questions asked to us by college going students, and possible and given answers.

How can I make money using FOSS ?

Possible answers (one or mix of more, depending on type of audience):

FOSS companies like Redhat, Novell, JBoss[1] ... make money by selling services like support for FOSS products.

How do I organise a FOSS event in my campus?

Here is a detailed HOWTO, which will guide you through the steps involved in organising a FOSS event in your campus.

Why do we need to use glade when we can use Visual Studio ?

Don't you like to have an edge over others ? Microsoft is going to use what glade has been succesfully using[2] for long in its upcoming Windows vista[3] -- XML based interface for GUI which will be interpreted by a rendering engine. So while choosing glade you are ahead of those who chose Microsoft technologies like Visual Studio.

(More questions and answers to be added)
