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CETEX 2010 Action Plan

From FSCI Wiki

Fsug-tvm's plan for CETEX 2010



  1. Toaster
  2. Install Desk
  3. One page install pamphlets + Replacement pamphlets
  4. stickers
  5. demoes, including open movies
  6. Seminars
  7. quizzes - gifts
  8. Games
  9. Compiz
  10. Distro Demonstration
  11. Remastered DVDs
  12. Pxe boot install
  13. Open wifi connection from toaster for Ubuntu and F12 updates (mirrors)
  14. Projector & Speaker

Things to Do

  • Populate the GNU/Linux for Engineers toolkit DVD

We're giving out an aptoncd for with software specific for Engineers , Please suggest the softwares to be included in the disk.

GNU/Linux Software For Engineers

Text Editors

   *   vi/vim
   *   GNU Emacs
   *   Pico / Nano
   *   Kate
   *   Kwrite
   *   gedit
   *   Eclipse
   *   Glade


   * g++
   * llvm

Math Tools

   *   Scilab
   *   r-project
   *   pspp
   *   IT++
   *   GSL
   *   GNU Octave
   *   gnuplot
   *   LabPlot
   *   LaTeX


   *  Alliance
   * FEL 
   *  gEDA
   *  PCB Tool
   *  EE Tool
   *  TkGate
   *  XCircuit
   *  gerbv
   *  gputils
   *  vlsi

Simulator/ Emulator

   *   DOSBox
   *   Bochs
   *   xmame
   *   PearPC
   *   MESS
   *   MAMEoX
   *   gsim51
   *   qucs
   *   GNUsim8085
   *   sicvm


   * virtualbox


   * Postgre


   *     vlc
   * ubuntu-restricted-extras