FOSS Meet NITC 2008 Ideas

Revision as of 15:02, 11 December 2007 by (talk)

Most people who come to our event are novices to the field of programming. Mostly they know just a single language(c). They come because either they like the ideology, or just want to understand what the nifty word means. So any event should try as much as possible to assume little of the participant.

1. Gearing participants for Google Summer of Code

Reply to the fossmeet group on how you can help us in doing this.

2. Intro to Bazaar style software development

A complete life cycle of a open source project can be shown.
Setting up the development platform.
SVN workflow, syntax rules, getting the change approved.
A small workshop, where each pariticipant makes a small change to some open sorce project.

3. Encouraging course projects in open source

Btech students usually have a course project(in software engineering, dbms etc), mini project and a main project. We can encourage students to do a contribution to some foss project. But the main trouble is that the student lack knowledge of the development tools, foss projects etc. The event can get them started on the prerequisite knowledge so that they are able to make a good contribution as their project.

4. A workshop on Internet Relay Chat