Places using foss
Here is a list of places which use FOSS . It can be an extensive list covering all the regions of India .
- CGHS- Central Govt Health Scheme clinic in KK nagar.
Observation : computer running GNU/Linux ( probably redhat)
- Dr Mehta's Hospital in chetpet
Observation: *nix distro .
- EB offices :
- Kaplan Centres
Observation: USing CENTOS
- Govt EB Offices
Observation: Using GNU/Linux for billing and Record maintenance.
- Nearby browsing centre -Nagamalai Pudukottai
Observation: Using Ubuntu for browsing needs of the centre and is getting nice feedback :)
- Police stations
Observation: Have been using Ubuntu and kubuntu . Also use konqueror for lodging NCR .
- A stall in DLF mall
Observation: Running Ubuntu