Difference between revisions of "CETEX 2010 Action Plan"

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# Configure toaster with apt-cacher for Ubuntu 9.10 - In schedule
# Configure toaster with apt-cacher for Ubuntu 9.10 - In schedule
# Configure toaster with fedora 12 i386 mirror - Volunteers invited to work on it.
# Configure toaster with fedora 12 i386 mirror - Volunteers invited to work on it.
* Banners, Posters, Stickers
# Seven 6x2 banners are available four vertical banners (ubuntu,opensuse,mandriva,fedora), three horiz banner (ubuntu,linuxMint,install-fest)
# 10-15 install fest A3 banners are available
# Big FSUG banner is missing>?
# Posters are missing need to reprint i think
# 500+ different stickers available
# 10-15 Fsug CD-labels
# 10-15 canonical pamphlets available
* Seminars
Short seminars to be conducted (duration of 5-10mts) with 5-10 slides per topic. Please post in such topics which will be interesting to students and General Public. The slides needs to be prepared, some in malayalam too.
# Philosophy
# Difference b/w Free and Open
# Freedoms
* Quizzes - gifts
Participants can choose from Ubunutu Ultimate 2.5, Linux Mint 8, Sabayon 5.1, Fedora 12 as gifts before answering the questions.
* Games
Four PCs loaded with Games for the viewers to experience it hands-on. (Provide extra USB Keyboard and Mouse in case of laptops)
* Distro Demonstration
Four PCs loaded with different distros to try out and then get back home with their favorite distro from toaster.
* Projector & Speaker
For Big screen gaming, compiz demos, Seminar slides

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