Difference between revisions of "Debian/Conf/06"

574 bytes added ,  22:10, 21 October 2006
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* New Grpahical D-I Demon in Indian languages
* New Grpahical D-I Demon in Indian languages
* NM Preparation Guidance
* NM Preparation Guidance
* [[Debian/Conf/06/House Keeping|House Keeping]] (basically get posters printed and put up at the stall , get CDs, T shirts and other goodies ready for the stall and any organisationa logistics)
* [[Debian/Conf/06/Campaigners|Campaigners]]  (prepare presentations and design posters and arrange BoFs and make sure maximum number of people are aware about Debian)
* [[Debian/Conf/06/Core team|Core team]] (does the actual presenations, demos, workshops...)
* [[Debian/Conf/06/Hackers|Hackers]] (sit down and fix bugs/localise and make etch the best release ever)
