Revision as of 21:09, 9 January 2006 by Pravs (talk | contribs) (→‎See also: SIGs added)

FOSS Community India co-ordinates the FOSS (mostly advocacy) related activities in India. Regular meeting are happening locally. Campaigns in colleges and schools to spread the awareness of FOSS are ongoing.

IRC channel for FOSS Community India is #fci on freenode. You can access this through the Wikicities IRC Gateway (help)

See all available pages of the wiki.

See also

User groups in India

Initiatives Planned

  1. Celebrate February as FOSS Month 2006
  2. Initiation of Student projects at various institutions in association with RedHat India. More focus on to make students comfortable in handling FOSS projects
  3. Formation of KDE Developer Community in India to be known as in association with Sirtaj Singh Kang