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Difference between revisions of "About"

139 bytes added ,  19:27, 13 December 2006
decentalised central place
(About page started)
(decentalised central place)
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FOSS Community, India is started by [[User:Pravs|Praveen A]] to connect various disconnected FOSS Communities in India and co-ordinate FOSS related activities across India. It is maintained by the [[Special:Activeusers|active users]]
FOSS Community, India is started by [[User:Pravs|Praveen A]] to connect various disconnected FOSS Communities in India and co-ordinate FOSS related activities across India. It is maintained by the [[Special:Activeusers|active users]]. This wiki could play 'decentralised central resource' as every one gets to fill in their parts and one could find all parts in one place.