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#[http://code.google.com/soc/2008/openmoko/appinfo.html?csaid=B631058E670ECFAC Saurabh Gupta : Speech recognition facility for open moko]
#[http://code.google.com/soc/2008/openmoko/appinfo.html?csaid=B631058E670ECFAC Saurabh Gupta : Speech recognition facility for open moko]
#[http://code.google.com/soc/2008/openmrs/appinfo.html?csaid=7C178997474DB1D8 Sri Prasanna. K. : Address Hierarchy Support for OpenMRS mentored by Kayiwa Daniel]
#[http://code.google.com/soc/2008/openmrs/appinfo.html?csaid=7C178997474DB1D8 Sri Prasanna. K. : Address Hierarchy Support for OpenMRS mentored by Kayiwa Daniel]
#[http://code.google.com/soc/2008/joomla/appinfo.html?csaid=8D571986B95D45F6 Scot Inscore: Unit Testing in Joomla mentored by John Dalton Chenoweth]
#[http://code.google.com/soc/2008/joomla/appinfo.html?csaid=8D571986B95D45F6 Nakul Ganesh S: Advanced Media Manager mentored by deborah susan clarkson, Joomla!]

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